4 Signs You Need New Ductwork in Raceland, LA

The ductwork in your Raceland, LA, home is an essential component of your HVAC system. It plays a vital role in distributing heated or cooled air, ensuring your home feel comfortable. If you have concerns about the condition of your ductwork, be on the lookout for these four telltale signs that suggest it’s time to consider replacing it:

Visible Damage

The first and most obvious sign that you need new ductwork is visible damage. This can include holes, tears or kinks in the ducts themselves. These issues not only affect the efficiency of your HVAC system but also allow dust and other pollutants to enter your home, reducing your indoor air quality.

Poor Airflow

If you notice that some of your rooms get insufficient cool or warm air while others get too much, it could be a sign of damaged ductwork. This is a common occurrence when something is clogging it or when there’s a huge tear to the point where the ductwork can’t direct air to all areas in your home.

It’s important that you first call a professional like Nick’s Refrigeration, Inc. to inspect your ductwork before taking any action. In some instances, a simple repair may suffice.

Noisy HVAC System

All HVAC systems produce some level of sound when operational. However, it should remain confined to a gentle whisper or hum. If you start noticing loud noises when your HVAC system is on, such as banging or rattling sounds, it may be a sign of loose or damaged ductwork.

There are even instances where an improperly sized duct can cause air to move too quickly and create turbulence. This causes a loud whistling or roaring sound, indicating that you need to have service technicians replace your ductwork.

Higher Energy Bills

If you’ve noticed a significant increase in your energy bills without any other obvious reason, it could be due to damaged ductwork. Leaks or tears in the ducts cause air to escape before reaching its intended destination, making your HVAC system work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This results in higher energy consumption and higher heating and cooling bills.

If you’re experiencing any of these problems in Raceland, LA, call Nick’s Refrigeration, Inc. today for ductwork replacement or repair services. We’ll ensure your ducts look and operate in like-new condition.

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