Why Is My Thermostat in Recovery Mode in Raceland, LA?

A programmable thermostat helps homeowners in Raceland, LA, improve the performance and efficiency of their HVAC system. If you have one of these thermostats, you may have noticed that it’s sometimes in recovery mode. Here are four common reasons for your thermostat to go into recovery mode:

Shows That It’s Working Properly

Although seeing “recovery mode” displayed on your thermostat might make you think that your furnace needs repair, it means that everything is functioning properly. During recovery mode, your thermostat is busy working to bring your home to the preset temperature. The recovery mode notification lets you know that the system is active.

Helps Achieve Your Settings

If you set your thermostat to go from 65 degrees overnight to 72 degrees when you wake up at 6 in the morning, you want your home to be warm when you throw off the covers. Recovery mode makes this possible by starting the furnace to heat your home before 6 A.M. so that it reaches the desired temperature at the right time.

Adapts to Your Schedule

Have you noticed that your thermostat spends a lot of time in recovery mode? This is nothing to worry about because it means that your thermostat is adapting to your schedule. For example, your programmable thermostat may notice that you always turn the temperature up when you get home.

Improves Energy Efficiency

When your thermostat enters “recovery mode,” it’ll adjust the temperature gradually to temporarily meet your thermostat’s programmed settings. This helps your HVAC system save energy and do less work.

Recovery mode is a normal function of programmable thermostats that increases the comfort and efficiency of homes in Raceland, LA. If your thermostat needs an upgrade, call Nick’s Refrigeration, Inc. for HVAC maintenance and installation services.

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